Dusko Pijetlovic

My personal notes where I store things I find interesting or might need in the future.


23 May 2024 » backup, rsync, tar, versioncontrol, sysadmin, cli, terminal, shell, script, unix, disasterrecovery, boot, images, snapshot, disk, storage, tool, console, tutorial, ssh, encryption, tip, howto


(Retrieved on May 22, 2024)




  • Filesystem snapshots with unionfs - Archived from original on Dec 30, 2007

    Z Says: June 28th, 2005 at 7:57 am What is the benefit compared to LVM snapshots?

    Z Says: June 28th, 2005 at 7:57 am How does it compare to LVM snapshots?

    flavio Says: June 28th, 2005 at 8:50 am


    LVM snapshots are just another alternative to provide snapshot capabilities to filesystems.

    The main differences are that unionfs snapshots work at a higher level (directories), are filesystem agnostic and generally simpler to implement.


    C Says: June 30th, 2005 at 3:33 pm

    One big advantage over LVM: you don’t have to destroy an existing partition to get this working!


[TODO] - Change the Title? (Possible new title: synchronization)


[TODO] - To change the title?

  • prunef - A backup rotation filter for your shell

    Takes an unsorted list of backup names and returns a list of backups for deletion. The backup rotation rules are given via command line args. The backup names need to contain the time and a date(1) like format specifier is required to parse those.

  • Rotate backups script

    This script is designed to be used by processes that create tarred and compressed backups every hour or every day. These backups accumulate, taking up disk space.

    By running this rotator script once per hour shortly before your hourly backup cron runs, you can save 24 houly backups, 7 daily backups and an arbitrary number of weekly backups (the default is 52).