Dusko Pijetlovic

My personal notes where I store things I find interesting or might need in the future.

How to Compile C Programs in FreeBSD

14 Dec 2021 » c, programming, freebsd, howto

OS: FreeBSD 13
Shell: csh

% freebsd-version
% ps $$
6287  2  Ss   0:00.09 -csh (csh)
% printf %s\\n "$SHELL"
% fetch \
% tar xf yest-
% ls -lh
total 22
-rwxr-xr-x  1 dusko  dusko   2.1K Jul 27  2014 README-
-rw-r--r--  1 dusko  dusko    50K Jul 27  2014 yest-
-rwxr-xr-x  1 dusko  dusko   8.4K Jul 27  2014 yest-
-rw-r--r--  1 dusko  dusko    17K Jul 28  2014 yest-
% cc yest-
% ls -lhrt
total 59
-rwxr-xr-x  1 dusko  dusko   8.4K Jul 27  2014 yest-
-rwxr-xr-x  1 dusko  dusko   2.1K Jul 27  2014 README-
-rw-r--r--  1 dusko  dusko    50K Jul 27  2014 yest-
-rw-r--r--  1 dusko  dusko    17K Jul 28  2014 yest-
-rwxr-xr-x  1 dusko  dusko    50K Dec 13 18:23 a.out
% ./a.out
% rm -i a.out
remove a.out? y
% cc -o yest yest-
% ls -lhrt
total 59
-rwxr-xr-x  1 dusko  dusko   8.4K Jul 27  2014 yest-
-rwxr-xr-x  1 dusko  dusko   2.1K Jul 27  2014 README-
-rw-r--r--  1 dusko  dusko    50K Jul 27  2014 yest-
-rw-r--r--  1 dusko  dusko    17K Jul 28  2014 yest-
-rwxr-xr-x  1 dusko  dusko    50K Dec 13 18:24 yest
% ./yest -3h

Compiling X (aka X11, aka Xorg) Programs

$ fetch https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leahneukirchen/xlossage/e09a0750d735ce

First Try

$ cc -O2 -Wall -o xlossage xlossage.c -lX11 -lXi -g
xlossage.c:35:10: fatal error: 'X11/Xlib.h' file not found
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
1 error generated.

Is the X11 library really missing from the system?

$ pkg info --regex libX11
$ pkg info --regex --full libX11 | grep Name
Name           : libX11
$ pkg info --regex --full libX11 | grep Comment
Comment        : X11 library

No, so where are the libX11 files located?

$ pkg query "%Fp" libX11 | wc -l
$ pkg query "%Fp" libX11 
---- snip ----
---- snip ----

Second Try and The Fix

Added the location of the X11 library by using the -I option:
“Add the specified directory to the search path for include files.”

$ cc -O2 -Wall -I/usr/local/include -o xlossage xlossage.c -lX11 -lXi -g
ld: error: unable to find library -lX11
ld: error: unable to find library -lXi
cc: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
$ pkg info --regex libXi
$ pkg info --regex libXi-
$ pkg info --regex --full libXi- | grep Name
Name           : libXi
$ pkg info --regex --full libXi- | grep Comment
Comment        : X Input extension library

Where are the libXi (X Input extension library) files located?

$ pkg query "%Fp" libXi | wc -l
$ pkg query "%Fp" libXi 
---- snip ----

Use the -L option to add directory to library search path.

$ cc -O2 -Wall -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib \
 -o xlossage xlossage.c -lX11 -lXi -g
$ file xlossage
xlossage: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (FreeBSD), dynamically li
nked, interpreter /libexec/ld-elf.so.1, for FreeBSD 13.1, FreeBSD-style, with de
bug_info, not stripped
$ ./xlossage

Another Way

Another way would be to use the application’s Makefile.

$ fetch https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leahneukirchen/xlossage/e09a0750d735ce
$ cat Makefile
CFLAGS=-O2 -Wall -g `pkg-config --cflags x11 xi`
LDFLAGS=`pkg-config --libs x11 xi`

all: xlossage

        rm -f xlossage

Run make(1).

$ make
cc -O2 -Wall -g `pkg-config --cflags x11 xi` `pkg-config --libs x11 xi` xlossage
.c  -o xlossage
$ file xlossage
xlossage: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (FreeBSD), dynamically li
nked, interpreter /libexec/ld-elf.so.1, for FreeBSD 13.1, FreeBSD-style, with de
bug_info, not stripped
$ ./xlossage

If you want to remove the executable:

$ make clean


How do I link X11 (-lX11) on FreeBSD?

Installing the X11 developer library