texlive-base TeX Live Typesetting System, base binaries
texlive-docs TeX Live, documentation
texlive-texmf TeX Live, macro packages and fonts
texlive-tlmgr TeX Live, manager modules [1]
latex-mk Collection of makefile and scripts for LaTeX documents
txt2tags Convert simply formatted text into markup (e.g., LaTeX, HTML)
lyx Document processor interfaced with LaTeX (nearly WYSIWYG)
setzer LaTeX editor written in Python with Gtk
ipe Extensible vector graphics editor with LaTeX support
uniutils Unicode Description Utilities
uni Query the Unicode database from the commandline
uchardet Universal charset detection library
gucharmap Unicode/ISO10646 character map and font viewer
ftfy Fix some problems with Unicode text after the fact
dateutils Command line utilities for working with dates
keepassxc KeePass Cross-platform Community Edition
firefox Web browser based on the browser portion of Mozilla
thunderbird Standalone mail and news that stands above
mutt Small but powerful text based program for read/writing e-mail
hs-arbtt Completely automatic time tracker for X11 desktop
td-system-tools Printing basic system information and system maintenance
arp-scan ARP scanning and fingerprinting tool
py311-scapy Powerful interactive packet manipulation program in python [2]
whatmask Convert between common subnet mask notations
subnetcalc IPv4/IPv6 Subnet Calculator
qtfm Small, lightweight file manager based on pure Qt
(rox-filer Simple and easy to use graphical file manager)
(catseye-fm Clear, fast, powerful file browser using gtk+2.0)
xed Small but powerful text editor for GTK (for X or X11/Xorg)
kitty Cross-platform, fast, featureful, GPU-based terminal emulator
xdu Graphically display the output of "du" in an X window
xdiskusage Show where disk space is taken up
[TODO] - Continue 2023_03_05_1900_freebsd_lenovo_x280_installed_backupfs_by_compiling_from_source_and_with_boost_cpp_libraries.txt
$ sudo pkg install boost-all
$ sudo pkg install boost_build
$ sudo pkg install gcc
$ sudo pkg install gccmakedep
$ sudo pkg install cmake
$ mkdir ~/backupf
$ cd ~/backupfs
$ fetch https://github.com/hariguchi/backupfs/archive/refs/heads/master.zip
$ mv master.zip backupfs.zip
$ unzip backupfs.zip
. . .
$ mv backupfs-master backupfs
$ cd backupfs
GraTeX Visual graph creator for LaTeX (PGF & TikZ) [3]
$ fetch https://sourceforge.net/projects/gratex/files/GraTeX.jar
$ java -jar gratex.jar
File Browser - Web File Browser
$ fetch https://raw.githubusercontent.com/filebrowser/get/master/get.sh
NOTE: Requires bash.
$ head -1 get.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash
$ chmod 0744 get.sh
$ ./get.sh
The script will ask you to enter your root password.
Downloading File Browser for freebsd/amd64...
Putting filemanager in /usr/local/bin (may require password)
Successfully installed
$ ls -lh /usr/local/bin/filebrowser
-rwxr-xr-x 1 dusko wheel 16M May 19 03:14 /usr/local/bin/filebrowser
Start it.
$ /usr/local/bin/filebrowser
2024/08/19 21:34:25 Warning: filebrowser.db can't be found. Initialing in /home/dusko/
2024/08/19 21:34:25 Using database: /home/dusko/filebrowser.db
2024/08/19 21:34:25 No config file used
2024/08/19 21:34:25 Listening on
With your web browser, Mozilla Firefox, open:
NOTE: The default username, password: admin, admin.
To stop it, press Ctrl+c
2024/08/19 21:36:51 Caught signal interrupt: shutting down.
If you want to configure No Authentication:
$ filebrowser config set --auth.method=noauth
2024/08/19 21:39:04 Using database: /home/dusko/filebrowser.db
Sign up: false
Create User Dir: false
Auth method: noauth
[ . . . ]
Log: stdout
Port: 8080
[ . . . ]
[ . . . ]
$ ls -lh /home/dusko/filebrowser.db
-rw------- 1 dusko dusko 64K Aug 19 21:39 /home/dusko/filebrowser.db
$ date
Mon 19 Aug 2024 22:39:46 PDT
$ file /home/dusko/filebrowser.db
/home/dusko/filebrowser.db: FILE_SIZE=65536
$ wc -l /home/dusko/filebrowser.db
5 /home/dusko/filebrowser.db
$ grep noauth /home/dusko/filebrowser.db
Binary file /home/dusko/filebrowser.db matches
$ strings /home/dusko/filebrowser.db | grep noauth | wc -l
gateway-finder-imp – Tool to identify routers on the local LAN and paths to the Internet
NOTE: noto-basic
is an automotic package; that is, it requires other packages a.k.a. dependencies. It has five dependencies.
$ pkg rquery %#d noto-basic
$ pkg rquery %dn noto-basic
$ sudo pkg install noto-basic
[ . . . ]
New packages to be INSTALLED:
noto-basic: 2.0_4
noto-sans: 2.013
noto-sans-mono: 2.014_1
noto-sans-symbols: 2.008_1
noto-sans-symbols2: 2.008
noto-serif: 2.013
$ fc-match 0xProto
0xProto-Regular.otf: "0xProto" "Regular"
$ xterm -fa 0xProto -fs 14 &
$ mutt -F /mnt/usbflashdrive/mydotfiles/mutt-imap-ubc-chemistry/.muttrc.chem.ubc.ca.imap
[1] This package contains the files needed to get the TeX Live tools (notably tlmgr
) running: perl modules, xz binaries, plus (sometimes) tar and wget. These files end up in the standalone install packages, and in the tlcritical repository.
[2] As of time of this writting, scapy required Python 3.11.
Java application for creating graphs, with a simple and intuitive interface. Obtaining LaTeX code for designed graph is a single-click operation. Allows creating less and more complicated graphs for LaTeX documents without any knowledge about TikZ library.
The program lets you design and edit vertices, edges and labels to your liking thanks to a wide range of variants adequate to TikZ library.
GraTeX incorporates common editing mechanisms like saving/loading projects, undo-redo & copy-paste operations, and many other useful features.
The application has been developed by two students of University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland.