OS: FreeBSD 13.0
Shell: csh/tcsh
% cat ~/.twmrc
RestartPreviousState # Reiconify iconified windows on startup
UsePPosition "on" # Use program-specified size hints accepted
NoTitle # No titlebars
BorderWidth 1 # Number of pixels for border around entire window
DontMoveOff # Disallow moving windows off the visible screen
IconifyByUnmapping # Iconifying a window sends it to the Icon Manager
AutoRelativeResize # Don't wait until the window edge is crossed
IconManagerFont "a14"
IconRegion "90x44-0+0" North East 40 30
IconManagerGeometry "90x44-0+0" 1
"xclock" "xload"
BorderColor "red"
"XTerm" "red" # Active xterm window border: red
BorderColor "yellow"
BorderTileBackground "yellow"
BorderTileForeground "yellow"
DefaultBackground "rgb:2/a/9"
DefaultForeground "gray85"
TitleBackground "rgb:2/a/9"
TitleForeground "gray85"
MenuBackground "rgb:2/a/9"
MenuForeground "gray85"
MenuBorderColor "slategrey"
MenuTitleBackground "gray70"
MenuTitleForeground "rgb:2/a/9"
IconBackground "rgb:2/a/9"
IconForeground "gray85"
IconBorderColor "gray85"
IconManagerHighlight "white"
IconManagerBackground "rgb:2/a/9"
"XTerm" "#ff595e"
"tea" "#1982c4"
"KeePassXC" "#ffca3a"
"Thunderbird" "#6a4c93"
"Firefox" "#8ac926"
"LibreOffice" "#deff0a"
"soffice.bin" "#deff0a"
"Zathura" "#be0aff"
IconManagerForeground "gray85"
"XTerm" "#fae0e4"
"tea" "#84DE02"
"KeePassXC" "#219ebc"
"Thunderbird" "#ff595e"
"Firefox" "#ffff3f"
"LibreOffice" "#ff595e"
"soffice.bin" "#ff595e"
"Zathura" "#0aff99"
Frame "left_ptr"
Title "left_ptr"
Icon "left_ptr"
IconMgr "left_ptr"
Move "fleur"
Resize "fleur"
Menu "hand1"
Button "hand2"
Wait "clock"
Select "dot"
Destroy "pirate"
# ---- Mouse and keyboard bindings ----
# Mouse: Button1=left, Button2=middle, Button3=right
# Keyboard: m=meta (alt), c=ctrl, s=shift, m4=mod4 (Win)
Button1 = : root : f.menu "defops"
Button1 = : iconmgr : f.iconify
Button1 = m : window : f.move # Alt + left mouse button
Button3 = m : window : f.resize # Alt + right mouse button
"s" = m : all : f.showiconmgr # Show the Icon Manager (Alt + s)
"s" = s | m : all : f.hideiconmgr # Hide the Icon Manager (Alt + Shift + s)
"r" = m : all : f.raiselower # Raise window if behind (Alt + r)
"v" = m : all : f.iconify # "Minimize" window (Alt + v)
# Cycle through windows with vi(1)-style key bindings
# NOTE: For best results, make sure that the Icon Manager is *not* hidden
# when the Icon Manager is hidden, only "l" and "j" work
"h" = m : all : f.backiconmgr # previous column
"l" = m : all : f.forwiconmgr # next column
"k" = m : all : f.upiconmgr # previous row
"j" = m : all : f.downiconmgr # next row
# Use keyboard arrow keys to change the input focus between windows
# NOTE: For best results, make sure that the Icon Manager is *not* hidden
"Left" = m : all : f.backiconmgr # previous column
"Right" = m : all : f.forwiconmgr # next column
"Up" = m : all : f.upiconmgr # previous row
"Down" = m : all : f.downiconmgr # next row
# Show time and date (local and UTC): Press Ctrl + Alt + t
"t" = m | c: all : f.exec "(date; echo ''; date -u) | \
/usr/local/bin/xmessage -bg \"#DE3163\" -fg \"#F6EABE\" -rv -fn \
\"-b&h-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-sans-26-190-100-100-m-159-iso10646-1\" \
-geometry -0+0 -buttons OK:1 -default OK -file - &"
# Display virtual desktop number: Press Ctrl + Alt + d
"d" = m | c: all : f.exec "(vdesk) | \
/usr/local/bin/xmessage -bg \"#DE3163\" -fg \"#F6EABE\" -rv -fn \
\"-b&h-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-sans-26-190-100-100-m-159-iso10646-1\" \
-geometry -0+0 -buttons ' ' -default OK -file - &"
# Launch dmenu with Alt + p
"p" = m : all : f.exec "/usr/local/bin/dmenu_run"
"i" = m : all : f.identify # Alt + i
"d" = m : all : f.delete # For closing e.g. "About" windows
"h" = s | m4 : all : f.leftzoom # [Shift + mod4 (Win)] + h
"l" = s | m4 : all : f.rightzoom # [Shift + mod4 (Win)] + l
"k" = s | m4 : all : f.topzoom # [Shift + mod4 (Win)] + k
"j" = s | m4 : all : f.bottomzoom # [Shift + mod4 (Win)] + j
"f" = s | m4 : all : f.fullzoom # [Shift + mod4 (Win)] + o
"m" = s | m4 : all : f.zoom # [Shift + mod4 (Win)] + m <- Zoom vertically
"c" = s | m4 : all : f.circledown # [Shift + mod4 (Win)] + c
"u" = s | m4 : all : f.circleup # [Shift + mod4 (Win)] + u
# QUIT menu
# Defined here, used in the "Main Menu" (below),
# i.e. it's a sub-menu of the Main Menu
menu "quitmenu"
"Really Quit?" f.title
"No" f.nop
"Yes" f.quit
# Add a menu with the usual things
menu "defops"
"Twm" f.title
"Iconify" f.iconify
"Resize" f.resize
"Move" f.move
"Raise" f.raise
"Lower" f.lower
"" f.nop
"Focus" f.focus
"Unfocus" f.unfocus
"Show Iconmgr" f.showiconmgr
"Hide Iconmgr" f.hideiconmgr
"" f.nop
"Xterm" f.exec "exec xterm &"
"" f.nop
"Kill" f.destroy
"Delete" f.delete
"" f.nop
"Restart" f.restart
"Exit" f.menu "quitmenu"
# Virtual desktops with vdesk ---- http://offog.org/code/vdesk.html -----
function "set-desktop-1"
f.exec "/usr/local/bin/vdesk 0 `xwininfo -tree -root | grep xclock | awk '{print $1}'`"
f.exec "vdesk 1"
function "set-desktop-2"
f.exec "/usr/local/bin/vdesk 0 `xwininfo -tree -root | grep xclock | awk '{print $1}'`"
f.exec "vdesk 2"
function "set-desktop-3"
f.exec "/usr/local/bin/vdesk 0 `xwininfo -tree -root | grep xclock | awk '{print $1}'`"
f.exec "vdesk 3"
function "set-desktop-4"
f.exec "/usr/local/bin/vdesk 0 `xwininfo -tree -root | grep xclock | awk '{print $1}'`"
f.exec "vdesk 4"
function "set-desktop-5"
f.exec "/usr/local/bin/vdesk 0 `xwininfo -tree -root | grep xclock | awk '{print $1}'`"
f.exec "vdesk 5"
function "set-desktop-6"
f.exec "/usr/local/bin/vdesk 0 `xwininfo -tree -root | grep xclock | awk '{print $1}'`"
f.exec "vdesk 6"
function "set-desktop-7"
f.exec "/usr/local/bin/vdesk 0 `xwininfo -tree -root | grep xclock | awk '{print $1}'`"
f.exec "vdesk 7"
function "set-desktop-8"
f.exec "/usr/local/bin/vdesk 0 `xwininfo -tree -root | grep xclock | awk '{print $1}'`"
f.exec "vdesk 8"
function "set-desktop-9"
f.exec "/usr/local/bin/vdesk 0 `xwininfo -tree -root | grep xclock | awk '{print $1}'`"
f.exec "vdesk 9"
function "desktop-back"
f.exec "A=$((`vdesk`-1)); if [ $A = 0 ] ; then A=9 ; fi ; vdesk $A"
# To switch to one of nine virtual desktop: Alt + [1-9]:
"1" = m : all : f.function "set-desktop-1"
"2" = m : all : f.function "set-desktop-2"
"3" = m : all : f.function "set-desktop-3"
"4" = m : all : f.function "set-desktop-4"
"5" = m : all : f.function "set-desktop-5"
"6" = m : all : f.function "set-desktop-6"
"7" = m : all : f.function "set-desktop-7"
"8" = m : all : f.function "set-desktop-8"
"9" = m : all : f.function "set-desktop-9"
# To cycle forward through virtual desktops:
# Ctrl + Meta (Win key) + right arrow key
"Right" = c | m : all : f.function "desktop-forward"
# To cycle backwards through virtual desktops:
# Ctrl + Meta (Win key) + left arrow key
"Left" = c | m : all : f.function "desktop-back"
% cat ~/.xinitrc
xrdb -load $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid slategrey
xset b off
# Add fonts
for m in `ls /usr/local/share/fonts/`; do
if [ -d "/usr/local/share/fonts/$m" ]; then
xset fp+ "/usr/local/share/fonts/$m"
exec twm > /tmp/twmrclog 2>&1
If you want to have a clock or clocks, add one or more of the following four lines to ~/.xinitrc
exec /usr/local/bin/xclock -digital -strftime "Vancouver: %a %d %b %H:%M:%S" \
-update 1 -face mono:size=10 -bg "#002020" -fg "red" -geometry -0-2 &
exec env TZ=Europe/Belgrade xclock -digital -strftime \
"Belgrade: %a %d %b %H:%M" -face mono:size=10 -bg "#002020" -fg "gold" \
-geometry -256-2 &
exec env TZ=UTC /usr/local/bin/xclock -digital -strftime \
'UTC: %a %d %b %H:%M' -face mono:size=10 -bg '#002020' -fg '#f6eabe' \
-geometry -480-2 &
exec env TZ=GMT /usr/local/bin/xclock -digital -strftime \
'GMT: %a %d %b %H:%M' -face mono:size=10 -bg '#002020' -fg '#aaaaaa' \
-geometry -664-2 &
If you want to have xload, you first need to install it (with sudo pkg install xload
), and after that add this line to ~/.xinitrc
exec xload -bg steelblue -fg '#001013' -nolabel -geometry 224x33-840-2 &
Start X
% exec startx
% exec xinit
Man pages:
- twm(1) - Tab Window Manager for the X Window System
- xterm(1) - terminal emulator for X
- xwininfo(1) - window information utility for X
- Xsecurity(7) - X display access control,
- Xserver(1) - X Window System display server
- X(7) - Keyboards, modifiers and keysym - section KEYBOARDS
- Xorg(1) - X11R7 X server
- XOrgFoundation(7) - X.Org Foundation information
- xinit(1) - X Window System initializer
- x11perf(1) - X11 server performance test program
- xauth(1) - X authority file utility
- showrgb(1) - display an rgb color-name database
- xkbwatch(1) - XKB extension user utility
- xkbevd(1) - XKB event daemon
- xkbvleds(1) - display the state of LEDs on an XKB keyboard
- xkill(1) - kill a client by its X resource
- xlsatoms(1) - list interned atoms defined on server
- xprop(1) - property displayer for X
- xmodmap(1) - utility for modifying keymaps and pointer button mappings in X
- xrdb(1) - X server resource database utility
- xset(1) - user preference utility for X
- xrefresh(1) - refresh all or part of an X screen
Retrieved on Apr 3, 2022:
Word Cloud
X(7), libX11, modifier, keysum, the vmodmap array, locale, XkbLatchModifiers(3)